System Development

26th February 2022

Why we offer System Development support

Integrated care systems provide an opportunity to build sustainable health and care services so patients experience high-quality, joined-up care.

Partner organisations must work collaboratively to resolve workforce, clinical and financial challenges, adapting different ways of working to deliver change across place and system.

We have experience of working at system, place and provider level to address these challenges.

We can support systems and partners to:

  • co-produce key documents (including system-wide strategies and plans) informed by relevant guidance/regulation, local insight and wide-scale stakeholder engagement
  • co-design new operating models, embedding subsidiarity as a principle, and clarifying how organisations will work in the new system
  • develop and mature collaborative working arrangements, enabling agreement of service transformation priorities and delivery of service transformation programmes
  • mature place-based working to ensure statutory duties are effectively discharged
  • support leaders to adapt to new roles, responsibilities and accountabilities.

Our services are supporting system leaders, provider organisations and places to adapt and respond to new roles and responsibilities and to working in news ways with new accountabilities.