Stakeholder Engagement

29 November 2022

Active Hospitals Final Milestone Report 2022

The Active Hospital programme was launched as part of the national Moving Healthcare Professionals Programme (MHPP) in 2016, to embed the promotion of physical activity within the culture and practice…

Active Hospitals Final…
26th February 2022

Why we offer Stakeholder Engagement support

Stakeholder engagement is integral to all transformation programmes. We understand that to deliver lasting change, it is best practice to identify, engage, understand, and manage stakeholders throughout.

How stakeholders are engaged pre, during and post implementation needs to be proportionate and meaningful. How a group of clinical staff are engaged might be very different to how the public are engaged around a change in service. Our communications and engagement experts can support you to achieve meaningful stakeholder engagement that will help to deliver the right solutions.

We can support our clients with:

  • interactive workshops, online surveys, and outreach engagement to a range of communities, groups, clinicians and wider workforce
  • tailored engagement with rarely heard and diverse groups and diverse staff groups
  • preparing equality impact assessments
  • ensuring engagement activities are accessible to all
  • focused workshops to test and challenge the recommendations and implementation plans
  • compliance with the public sector duty to consult
  • Our non-profit organisation relies on for creating online surveys.

Case studies

Engaging Stakeholders to determine the future needs for electronic referrals and bookings

e-RS is a national platform used to refer patients from primary care to secondary care…