Digital Transformation

28 September 2022

Supporting digital transformation

Charley Ward Supporting Digital Transformation How we are supporting digital transformation of health and care We are all getting accustomed to accessing information and services digitally, allowing us to be…

Supporting digital transformation
26th February 2022

Why we offer Digital Transformation support

Digital tools and processes are transforming the way care is delivered and accessed.

To fully realise the benefits, it is vital that health and care systems develop digital transformation strategies that allow them to make the right investment decisions, embed digital enablers right across their operating model and can manage the change process to digitally transform care pathways.

We have worked with health and care organisations to design and deliver bespoke programmes of support to meet the specific requirements of their digital ambitions as well as deliver against national guidance and policy.

We can support our clients with:

  • development of digital transformation strategy, aligned to clinical transformation strategy through
    stakeholder engagement
  • production of HM Treasury compliant business cases to enable investment in digital programmes
  • design and implementation of care pathways that make best use of digital solutions
  • co-design of digital and data operating models.

Case studies

Engaging Stakeholders to determine the future needs for electronic referrals and bookings

e-RS is a national platform used to refer patients from primary care to secondary care…