Options appraisal and implementation support to improve stakeholder engagement across local medical committees

10th February 2023

The Challenge

LMC leaders in South Yorkshire recognised that effective collective working, enabled by formal structures and processes would be key to ensure that the LMCs had greater influence as the new system developed. A new way of working would enable development of robust governance and assurance processes, support joint decision making, enable appropriate allocation of resources and enable them to respond effectively to an ever-changing NHS environment.

Our Approach

We supported the LMC leads in developing a new operating model. The underpinning priority identified by all four LMCs, was to have a stronger voice and presence as one entity across South Yorkshire whilst maintaining influence and authority at place level. We delivered this work through 2 distinct phases:

  • Phase 1: through a process of extensive stakeholder engagement and research, we developed an Options Appraisal to help decision makers choose which model to adopt. Local leaders agreed the future LMC operating model for implementation in Phase 2 of the programme.
  • Phase 2: building on the strong collaborative ethos and stakeholder engagement we worked with partners to deliver the agreed LMC operating model, including implementing agreed processes and transitioning to the chosen model’s ways of working.

The Outcome

The LMCs are now operating as the Association of South Yorkshire LMCs. A brand identity has been developed for them to operate as that internally and with external stakeholders, and key documents articulating roles and responsibilities have been developed. A key component for the successful running of the Association was the implementation of more effective and efficient communication tools between the four LMCs and these have been developed through several different mechanisms.

We supported the development of the Association’s administrative function to allow for the streamlining of functions to enable resource to be used more effectively. We also undertook research and collated information about how the chosen model could evolve in the future.

“I have been most impressed with the approach taken, and especially with regard to the research you have undertaken looking at the different options with examples of where they have been adopted. Whilst there were always going to be differences, I feel you have kept up the momentum and we are in a much better position now than we have been for years in trying to get us working more together, especially in view of the challenges ahead dealing with the ICS.”

Chris Myers, LMC Lead, Rotherham LMC