We were commissioned by Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent (SSOT) Integrated Care Board to support the Infrastructure Strategy Lead by providing high quality analytics to deliver a 10-year estates strategy investment projection for Primary and Secondary Care.
The Challenge
The system did not have a way to clearly consolidate and compare data across their primary and secondary care estates to support decision making and strategic planning. A highly skilled team of analysts were commissioned by SSOT to provide analytical support to the Infrastructure Strategy Lead. This included collating both national and local data, engaging with various stakeholders to understand their data, contextualising nuance with additional data and presenting the findings through a Power BI Dashboard.
Our Approach
We began by exploring available data sources and identifying key metrics. We used these key metrics, and our understanding of site locations, to pull together a thorough and data driven understanding of the local system.
An essential aspect of this analysis was categorising maintenance costs. Using the national submitted Estates Return Information Collection data and provided Facet surveys, we established the baseline cost, considering the backlog maintenance costs, age and purpose, of the existing estates and the projected cost for maintaining these over a 10-year period.
Having explored and visualised key metrics, we engaged with stakeholders at each organisation to validate the data presented. This validation led to us identifying and responding to some issues with comparability of data across ICB boundaries, as well as validating local data against the most recent national submissions.
The Outcome
The final report was produced in PowerBI and summarised the total cost to maintain the buildings in the immediate future and the expected costs over the following 10 years. Additional oncosts were also considered, to account for factors such as risk or VAT exposure. A moderated cost was applied to better represent the expected cost to the ICB. This has enabled the ICB to request adequate funding as part of the Estates Strategy and better understand the risks surrounding the existing estates.